Ep 57: Selling Out!


NB: Here is the link to the SLEERICKETS Secret Show. Please go and see.

Also, I mistakenly referred to Chris Hemingsworth as Chris Hemmings. I apologize to both men, but especially to Chris Hemingsworth.

Some of the topics mentioned in this episode:

The Hurting Kind by Ada Limon

Ada Limon Is the Poet of Our Lonely Terrifying Time by David L. Ulin

Ada Limon: Every Book Is a New Way of Looking at the World by Nicole Chung

In her new poems, Ada Limon argues for turning a delicate attention to the world by Jeevika Verma

To Learn from the Natural World. On Ada Limon’s Brilliant Poetic Project by Sara B. Franklin

Poem: Joint Custody by Ada Limon, ed. Victoria Cheng

The End of Poetry by Ada Limon

John T. Irwin

Twitter: @sleerickets, @BPlatzer, @poetry_says

Email: sleerickets [at] gmail [dot] com

Music by ETRNL

Art by Daniel Alexander Smith


Ep 58: Never-Never Land, ft. David Yezzi


Ep 56: Whoa-Neat-Fact-Man Poems